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Sadagopan's Weblog

Ideas, Opinions, Trends, Markets, Thoughts that can make a difference to our lives and shape the future

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Why your Movable Type blog must die

via Kuroshin Not saying anything - almost every blogger and non blogging internet junkie has a certain view about this..

Tagging RFID gains

Via optimizemag Issues and readiness to adopt RFID Here top guys from GM, Unilever, UPS and IBM discuss their viewpoints - quite insightful in that how global enterprises evaluate/embrace new technologies - Looks like RFID may have a delayed start for wide usage.

"We can take a $10 million idea and turn it into a billion-dollar business better and faster than anybody in the world " - Jeff Inmelt

Via Wired Jeff Inmelt gets noticed Being Jack welch's successor is no easy thing - Jeff has so far proven to be very competent and here he says that threat of competition from China is insignificant and GE recognises the difference between a commodity product and a great one

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The resellience report- Booz, Allan and Hamilton study

A survey report on organisation DNA and ability to execute Too often all of us must have at some point in our life felt "when everyone agrees about changing - nothing changes". This study classifies organisations into seven types - The Resellient, The Just-in-Time, The Military, The positive aggressive, The Fits & Starts, The Outgrown and The Overgrown. You can also take an online diaganostics survey about your organisation / organisations known to you at www.orgdna.com.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Singapore's thinking cop - Subrato Bagchi

Via Businessworld Subroto Bagchi finds Singapore police employing knowledge management effectively in crime prevention, detection and planning Singapore, though widely seen to be on the wane now, is known for using modern technologies and tools effectively.

The coming search wars via NYTIMES

Search is a billion dollar business today and Microsoft and Yahoo now want to seriously challenge Google It took less than two years for Google from launch to attain leadership - we need to watch the results in the next round of slugfest. Google's growth is amazing - has added 50,000 computers in their data centers in the six months before thanksgiving to raise the total no of systems to be 100000 and from almost neglible revenue in 2001 to around 1 billion dollar in 2003..amazing success story

Big Brother is watching situation arising within the USA??

via News.com a critical perspective of the current internal security measures inside USA